Art & Collectables

Art & Collectables Insurance

Art, antiques, stamps, memorabilia and other collectables are irreplaceable, invaluable and treasured. Just thinking that part of a culture or history could potentially be damaged, or lost, is incomprehensible.

However, owners, collectors, dealers, galleries, museums, auctioneers, and many more, still need to be financially compensated in the event of theft, damage, transit, and other unforeseeable events.

We offer comprehensive, yet affordable, Art and Collectables insurance cover for:

Antiques, such as furniture and figurines
Art, inclusive of paintings and photographs
Memorabilia, such as sport memorabilia
Musical instruments
Photographic equipment
Stamp collections
And more…

Contact us today to discuss your art and collectables and to ensure you are adequately covered for any unforeseen event.