WARNING! Cyber Security

WARNING! We have detected potentially malicious phishing emails doing the rounds, using the following subject lines:

  • !“Electronic payment”
  • !“Payment Advice”
  • !“POP”
  • !“Remittance”
  • !“Remittance copy”

Please delete such emails immediately should you receive any, even if they appear to be from a legitimate email address. Please do not open them, reply to them or click on any links contained in them. Please warn your staff and customers to be aware of these emails, so that they do not fall victim to it. Always remain vigilant about scams, which are intended to obtain sensitive or personal information for criminal purposes. Do not open unknown, unexpected or suspicious emails, links or attachments. Do not reply to unknown, unexpected or suspicious emails.

For the protection of yourself, your company and your employees - never enter your email address, or username, or password on websites in order to download proof of payments, remittances, receipts or the like.

You can perform a security check to see if your email address has been involved in a data breach. Follow this link and enter your email address: https://haveibeenpwned.com/

Should you have any queries, please contact Thomas de Wet at De Wet De Villiers Brokers to ask about our Cyber Insurance Solutions for personal or business purposes.

Also, please feel free to visit our Cyber Liability Insurance webpage for more information:
Cyber Liability Insurance

You can also listen to a highly informative radio interview with Thomas de Wet talking about POPI and Cyber Insurance on this page.